Hi !

Want to transparently open .ipynb files in Obsidian? Run your Jupyter notebooks directly inside Obsidian? You’re at the right place!

Entering Beta

This Obsidian plugin is entering beta now. I want to gather feedback and improve it if necessary before releasing it as an Obsidian community plugin.

  • The plugin should already be working.

    You can open .ipynb files, run a Jupyter server, tweak the parameters to adapt the plugin for your use case.

  • Some bugs might have gone unnoticed until now.

    Although I tested the plugin thoroughly myself, it might behave unexpectedly on different environments, that’s why I need beta testers to see if it works for them as well.

  • Please give me feedback.

    Tell me what you like, what you don’t, what you would like, anything. I’ll see what I can do.

Installing the plugin

Because Jupyter for Obsidian is not available in the Obsidian community plugins for now, you’ll need the BRAT plugin to install Jupyter for Obsidian.

Here is how to proceed :

  1. Backup your vault!

  2. Install the BRAT plugin from the Obsidian community plugins.

  3. Go in BRAT settings and click Add Beta plugin

  4. Use https://github.com/MaelImhof/obsidian-jupyter as the URL, tick Enable after installing the plugin and click Add Plugin.

  5. Voilà! The plugin should now be installed in your vault. Use it as a normal plugin and provide feedback about the beta.

Providing Feedback

Once the plugin is installed, you can start using it normally in your Obsidian vault. Discover the features of the plugin and try playing a bit with it, see how it integrates with your workflow.

Please send me feedback about your experience with the plugin! This would help me a lot improving and releasing it in the official list of Obsidian community plugins.

To share feedback, choose between the following, depending on your preference and convenience.

  • Participate on this Obsidian forum post, I’ll be monitoring new comments.
  • Open an issue on GitHub, choose an issue template as you wish. Beta feedback has only one field to fill in though, so it might be quicker.
  • Join the Discord server I quickly put together for the occasion.

Thank you in advance for your time, I hope you’ll like the plugin!