Hi, thank you for considering contributing to this plugin !

Here are some general guidelines on how to contribute.

Ways of contributing

There are several ways of contributing to the plugin, including but not limited to

  • Reporting bugs and problems through GitHub issues or on the Discord.
  • Answering people that need help with the plugin.
  • Coding a fix or a new feature.
  • Writing documentation.
  • Adding images, icons or other type of graphic contribution (which I’m not very good at right now, so much appreciated).

The rest of this page will concentrate on contributions that involve modifying the files of the repository.

Pull requests

If you need to perform a modification of the plugin’s files for your contribution, be it the documentation, the plugin itself, the icons, and so on, you will need to :

  1. Open an issue first. Write about what you want to do, so that you do not do everything to find out at the very end that it won’t be accepted for some reason.
  2. Create a fork of the GitHub repository. You can decide which branch you want to start from between release (the latest published release) or dev (the current state of the next release).
  3. Work on your GitHub fork. You have all permissions to push to your fork and work on it.
  4. Open a pull request from your fork once you are done working on it. Please set dev as target. A pull request to release would not be accepted as is.
  5. From there on, I will review your pull request and might request/suggest some changes. We can use the pull request discussion for this, so no need for more bla bla here.
  6. Admire your work getting merged once everything has been accepted, sit back and relax.

Thank you in advance for your contribution, I’m looking forward to your PR !

Working on the code

Even though the code is nothing extensively complicated, you might be happy to learn that there is some high-level code documentation to understand the architecture of the plugin and know where to find what you are searching for in the code.

See the introduction.

1 item under this folder.